Yesterday we each had a mountaintop experience ...literally. We took the day for some deep time with God in silence and together at a place called "El Refugio". What a beautiful landscape set in the mountains about 20 kms north of the tip of Quito. Surrounded by cattle covered hills with the occasional Llama (they are just odd) we spent the afternoon talking with God alone and reflecting on Him and His heart. We each dipped into 2 chapters of Isaiah (53 and 58), we read through the Beatitudes in Matthew and also Luke 4:14-21. We were seeking the next step for each of us.
Personally for me it was an amazing day. Before going to El Refugio we stopped at the Centre of the Earth and walked around looking in shops and taking photos at the equator monuments (apparently it might be off a bit-o well). We ended our time there oddly by all dancing under this huge dome to the random music playing. Picture this - the entire team (well most of us - some are shy) were singing and dancing to nothing less than the YMCA song! It was hilarious!

At El Refugio I had the most amazing lunch and the oddest dinner (pale hot dogs and some bits of BBQ Cuy (Guinea Pig) Jury is out on that one. Our alone time was awesome. I climbed the mountain. I went up about 1500 ft. and then sat and listened to God. I saw huge wasps, a tarantula and such strange and wonderful plants. Hummingbirds came to visit for a bit and then flitted away in their strange ways.
God has been pressing on my heart this whole trip and really impressed upon me on the mountain the call to be at WMB and some direction for my journey there. I am excited and anxious at the same time. I love pastoring these kids. I love working with my leaders and now it is time for me to expand that perhaps.
These young WMB warriors are coming home. God has spoken to their hearts - our hearts. We have a message for the church - our community back home and we have paths we want to walk...paths of integrity, paths that will challenge injustice and abuse inside and outside of our community, paths that will look for brokeness and seek to be there and share the love of Christ for it is the broken Savior who engaged with this world and it is in that broken place each of us finds rest and hope in Christ.
The team including me is broken and it is 'muy bonita"...it is beautiful. Dios te vendiga. May God bless you all today and may He break your hearts in big and little ways. If He does seek out a friend and tell them and pray together and bask in His grace. Peace...Pete
Matthew's birthday is tomorrow, Sunday the 21st. Janette, Gord and Sam want to wish Matt a wonderful day on his 18th birthday! Can't wait to see Matt and Devan on Tues. and begin to hear the stories of how God has used them.