beautiful Quito

beautiful Quito

Friday, March 12, 2010

First full day

It's been an awesome day today settling in. We were up at 7-7:30 what with the cars and the horns and the car alarms and the dogs. This place certainly comes alive when the sun comes up. We're staying at a very spacious seminary with very unique bed mattresses. They act like 100 year old memory foam that eats you. It's actually kind of cool. Eggs for breakfast (huevos), empanatas for lunch and steak and rice for supper has filled us up with some good sutinance. We were off to see the patron statue of the Quito Valley - a 300ft. concrete angel and then to the Basillica - a massive old church downtown...both quite astounding.
We are beginning to get the rythym of this place, the smell of deisel exhaust, the gentle quiet smiles of the local people, the curiosity of our team members in this new place, the tentative friendships that are beginning, great leaders who really care about this has begun and I wonder where God will lead each of us.
It may not be easy but it will be real. The team is doing well. Matt has a few bruises because that's what he does (basketball gone amuck) Rebecca is getting a little better (she has a cold) Ian is functioning without a schedule (miracle), Laura is eating all her food (yes) Josh is being Josh, they are all settling into this journey. The boys unpacked the guitars tonight so a little music has broken out. The leader responsible for music is so excited to have these instruments.
Tomorrow we go to Carmen Bajo for the first time and meet the people. The wedding is later in the day. Please pray for the "real" part of this trip.
I certainly do have an amazing set of leaders and the 2 teams (Creekside and WMB) are blending incredibly well...tomorrow, Pete


  1. Thanks for the updates,Pete...sounds like you're off to a great start! We'll continue to pray for you all (and the luggage).

  2. Hey Pete,

    Sounds like you are off to a great start (even with the baggage glich). Ryan and I were talking today about hoping that the team blending would go really well...both groups are amazing and have so much to offer each other. God is working in wonderful ways. May he continue to open hearts to his bigger picture.

    Shelley Campagnola

    P.S. say hi to Nicole for us. We pray for her and everyone everyday!
