It's early Wednesday morning and the sound of the traffic has woken us up to another day. there is a constant yet gentle odour of deisel in the air and the temps are fairly cool in the morning and evenings and warm during the day. Being so high, the UV rays are strong so many of us have some level of sunburn which we expected. We are dealing with headaches and upset stomachs due to the altitude and it seems each of the team members has gone through some bout of something but nothing serious.
I have lost my voice for the last few days. I think I caught a little cold and with the altitude, dust and everything it affected my vocals. Maybe God is just asking me to be quiet for a bit.
The people at Carmen Bajo are astounding. We have heard testimony after testimony of brokenness, abuse, alcoholism and poverty and then about the love and care God has poured into those situations. It is powerful stuff.

I have asked the team to give me some thoughts for the blog so I will try to post them tonight or tomorrow. Our schedule and access to internet is limited but we will try.
It would be fair to say that everyone here misses everyone there. It is unique here and quite astounding when you look out over this mountain valley and see the homes of close to 2 million people nestles amongst the spectacular mountains, clouds hanging gently beneath the peaks. It's definitely easy on the eyes.
I am so proud of our youth. They have really stepped up. It is amazing to look over the edge of the work site and see them digging and wheelbarrowing away, with big smiles and dirt covered faces. It is hilarious to watch them trying to do a craft with the kids while being mobbed by these brown bundles of love. They are truly touching the heart of this poor community in Quito and it is affecting them in unique ways.
Please continue to pray that we will be stretched and that we will continue to hear about and experience the will of God in this mountain city. Peace and Grace be with you...PETE
Hi Pete,
ReplyDeleteThanks for your detailed update--it gives us a real sense of where you are and what the team is going through.
I can just imagine our kids being mobbed by the many "brown bundles of love and hugs"....sounds like they're not lacking for attention! Hope everyone adjusts soon to the altitude and that your voice improves.
We miss them too and continue in prayer.I'm really looking forward to hearing all their stories about how God has both used and touched them.
Spring has sprung back here in KW and we too are getting our first burns as we enjoy the warmth of the sun.
Take care,
P.S. Give our love to Kristann!