Wow! What a truly amazing experience! Where do I begin to try to describe it? From the anxiety surrounding lost luggage, the peacefulness of the Basillica in downtown Quito and the true happiness at the Carmen Bajo wedding we attended...to the dust and dirt and sweat of the work in this beautiful community, the joyous smiles of all the kids there and the way our young people have opened up their arms and hearts to these kids - it's all been absolutely wonderful. Everyone one of us here knows that God has got a hold on our hearts and is doing something incredible with all of this...just wait and see. Love to all especially Dave and the boys...Teri
Hi to all the leaders and youth, and especially to my lovely wife Teri & the BIRTHDAY GIRL - Leah. It sounds like you are all having quite a 'God-filled' adventure and experience...it will probably be quite difficult for you to describe to us back home, but I'm looking forward to hearing all of your stories. God bless you on your last few days and in your preparations for your return...and a VERY HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY wish to Leah TODAY :-) ... I hope you're having an awesome and very special day there today. Love Dave and Dad.